My 15 yr old daughter was telling me about some very irritating peers at her high school which made me remember my high school days.
So I started to tell her about a guy I had to sit beside who always smelled like sewer, "There was this guy in my Calculator class......" I began.
Wait a sec, did I just say "Calculator" class??
What is my daughter thinking about me? How ancient I am? Or how stupid....she must think.... for me to have to learn how to use a calculator?
There was this brief pause where we both looked at each other, we both knew a burst of laughter was about to erupt...and after 20 minutes of a good belly laugh, I had to explain this retarded sounding "Calculator" class.
The goal of this class was to learn how to punch in numbers on a 10 key system without looking at them, similar to learning to type on the keyboard or taking piano lessons or accordian lessons, that sort of thing.
And voila, the idea behind this image came about. My new painting is in the back.
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